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Supervised Access Program

Supervised Parenting Time

Provides an opportunity for non-residential parents to spend time with their child(
ren) while custody and parenting time issues are being resolved. Supervised parenting is fully supervised by trained staff to ensure that children are safe and comfortable. Staff supervisors
are trained and skilled in the areas of child development, family relations, abuse, mental health, substance use and risk assessment. In certain circumstances meeting with you or your family in your own home environment can alleviate some of the stress and anxiety associated with receiving services. Services are offered both in home and in the community. Lawrence Mediation can assist in planning meaningful activities for both parent and child.  

The objectives of Supervised Access through Lawrence Mediation’s Access Program are to: 

  • Provide reports of factual observations about the family’s use of the service 
  • Enhance safety for everyone 
  • Give parents the opportunity to build or rebuild their relationship with their children 
  • Provide trained staff who are sensitive to the needs of the child.

Referrals may be made from a court, mediation, or an agreement by both parents.  


You must contact Lawrence Mediation directly. Both parents will be asked to participate in separate intake interviews before service is offered. The intake usually takes about an hour. Each parent will be asked to sign an agreement of service with Lawrence Mediation and consents for obtaining and releasing information. Arrangements for the payment of fees will also be discussed at this time. After your intake interview, you will be offered the next available time slot that works for your schedule. 

Copies of parenting time agreement, custody orders, mutual agreements or any other relevant documents (ex. no-contact orders, restraining orders, probation or bail conditions) may be requested at this time. 


In home, or drop off site (park, restaurant, etc.).   

For further information: 

Call: 647-880-8033  
